Despite the current global financial crisis and the fear generated by the entrepreneurs, investing in new businesses is seen as a hopeful atmosphere in Panama, a country that has shown in the last three years an economic growth between...
The Amador Heights Building is located in a very attractive sector, within walking distance of the scenic, palm-lined Amador Causeway which forms the Southern entrance to the Panama Canal. The causeway stretches for approximately 5 km ...
Panama can rely on the World Bank to deal with the effects of the global financial crisis and to implement its immediate and long-term development programs, announced the multilateral institution after a high-level meeting in this Cent...
Panama's economy slowed in February to grow at a 2.59 percent rate from the same month a year earlier as the global economic crisis bit, but by no means has stopped. The number of tourists entering the country has grown 3.3% in 2009 co...
The Panama Tourism Authority announced the winners of its contest “The ten wonders of Panama”, which aimed to select the best tourist site in each one the nine provinces. The voting was done using the interactive web site o...
The growth of Coronado and the surrounding Pacific beach communities is reaching new heights. A new strip mall is under construction at the turnoff to Playa Coronado from the Inter American Highway. Coronado Mall will be completed in 2...
Ivanka Trump, executive vice president of development and acquisitions at the Trump Organization has lots to say about Panama’s real estate market and the 70-story Trump Ocean Club building in Punta Pacifica.“I have project...
In spite of the global financial crisis, tourism grew in Panama 11.7% in January, said tourism Minister Ruben Blades today. He said both the number of visitors and the money spent in the country by tourists increased.According to the d...
A note to some readers: I will frequently use the word "billion" below. I am well aware that it is used differently or not at all in some countries and languages (Spanish, for example). When I use it, I am referring to 1,000,...
The Consejo de Gabinete has approved an extension of the 20-year property tax exemption for apartments and houses, according to minister of Housing Balbina Herrera. The measure applies to projects whose building permits are issued befo...