
Darién is a natural jewel and considered and world patromony by UNESCo for it extensive rainforests and huge variety of flora and fauna.

Darien is the largest province of Panama, as well as the least populated with a population of 40,000 inhabitants.

One of the principal towns of Darien is La Palma, which was founded in 1922.  The Darien province is divided in 2 districs, Chepigana and  Pinogana,  which are broken down into 25 counties or corregimientos.  In addition to Chepigana and Pinogana, Darien is also home to the Indian Reservation Emberá-Wounaan, who posess the autonomy to administrate and govern their own territory.

The Climate of Darien is very wet as it is comprised greatly in part by primary tropical rain forests.  Darien is one of the most ecologically diverse areas of our entire planet and has forests so lush, that it is the only point that interupts the Panamerican Highway, which traverses the northern and souther continents from alaska to the lower reaches of South America.

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