Approx. 300 km (190 miles) from Panama City and accessible by a well maintained highway within 6 km of the property. The beach front parcel is located within Pedasi district, 20 km (30 minute drive) from town of Pedasi and approximately 100 meters from the Hotel MangoFish on Playa Oria. Another attraction in the area is Playa La Miel, which is best know for as a surfing beach.
The view from the property is towards an island by the name of “Los Frailes”. Isla Los Frailes is one of the best sport fishing spots in the region and boasts a wide variety of underwater sea life.
Power lines run on the asphalt road which is 6 km from the property, however, the owner of MangoFish Hotel is currently bringing in the power lines to the hotel complex which will provide power for the lot owners. Water is available by well, and Telephone & internet services are available through local carriers (Cable & Wireless, Mobil Phone, and Sistemas Inalambricos – SISA).
The beach front is white colored sand of Playa Oria that stretches for approx. 2 km to the West where it meets with the Oria river mouth, with a small rock point to the East between Playa La Miel. This beach front property has approx. 25 meters of ocean frontage. The beach faces South-West allowing for ideal views of the sunsets.
The beach front parcel consists of approximately 1000 m2, which is (approx. ¼ acre), all titled property with a 22 meter setback from the high tide line. The elevation of the lot is about 15 meters above sea level, and the topography is flat with a small hill along the norther border of the lot. There are a few trees on the lot, and the soil is fertile, and the lot well suited for a home.
- Fully titled property.
- Held in the name of a Panamanian corporation.
- Dry and cool at night: from beginning of December to middle of May.
- Moderately rainy: from beginning of June to end of September.
- Rainy: October and November.