Casa del Baile is located in prime location in the touristic heart of Casco Viejo, within the World Heritage Site of UNESCO.
Calle Boquete is a very small, almost hidden residential street between Calle 8 and 9. There are two houses, one either side of Casa del Baile:
Several major attractions of Casco Viejo are within just steps of Casa Baile, these attractions include:
Currently there are 2 commercial spaces on the street level,and a total of 6 apartments.
The approved plan includes: 2 commercial spaces in the street level,and 6 apartments.
Commercial space 1 - 103.3m²
Commercial space 2 - 80.2m²
Apartment 1 - 92.9m²
Apartment 2 - 116.9m²
Apartment 3 - 117.5m² (23.4m²personal rooftop)
Apartment 4 - 124.7m² (38.4m²personal rooftop)
Apartment 5 - 81m² (46.7m²personal rooftop)
Apartment 6 - 112.8m² (55.2m²personal rooftop)